Cochran Shoals Trail Hike Photos

I took a nice photo hike around Cochran Shoals Trail. Now if you keep up with my work, you’ll know that I LOVE shooting out in nature. Macro shots have become one of my favorite ways to share what I see with the world, and this trip is no different.

But let’s back up a little bit. Meet my friend Kate. She’s a goof, and she’s the first person I’ve taken on a photo walk that could walk cirlces around me. It’s impressive. But anyways, apparently this is one of her favorite running trails, so when she suggested we go shoot it, I was all in.

Other than shooting some cool shots of the river, the smaller nature elements were giving me tons to shoot on that busy Saturday afternoon. Between the insects and flora that decorate the trails to the river banks and fungi that we found, everything offered a great shot that day.

My favorite shots of the day are the collection of mushrooms I found. I don’t know why they have been so wonderful this year, but they have been everywhere for me to shoot. They are always unique and beautiful.

All of these photos are available for prints. Click here to order!