The Bay House on Independence Day

Again from The Bay House in Fairhope, Alabama, this week I show you my entire day of shooting photography on a private dock on the gorgeous Weeks Bay.

First things first on a full day of shooting. I woke up at 5 am to get these shots. Worth it.

The only issue I had was getting my gear acclimated to the weather. I had originally kept it inside with me. Well, the temperature inside The Bay House was very cool. It was perfect for the amount of cold I need to sleep on a summer evening, but it was more than the glass on my devices could handle quickly.

I ended up fighting not only with my camera lenses, but my drone lens as well! Even the GoPro was covered in condensation and fog. I was annoying to deal with, but it created this cool haze on some of these pictures that I just can’t ignore.

After the birds had stretched their wings and come out to begin their morning flight routines, I couldn’t help but snap away at my personal airshow. I was up and taking pictures before the fish were swimming and the birds were flying. And it felt amazing to welcome them to the day.

Eventually, dark clouds rolled over the bay and rain poured for a few hours. I huddled up under the shelter on the dock and watched all the nature activities unfolding in front of me. The birds were bathing in their natural showers. And the waves of heavy and light rain patterns made the waters edge dance with beautiful curves and elaborate designs.

It’s always such an honor to experience and capture nature doing what nature has and will always do.

After the rain, it was time to fly the drone again! I have loved getting to view the world from a different perspective. If you were ever thinking of getting a drone for your photography, please go for it. I haven’t regretted mine for a moment.

And what good is a drone if you don’t use it to take aerial pictures of fireworks?

Southern Exposures The Bay House

I have a lot to catch you up on.

It is true that I have been very quiet on the content lately.

It is a lie to say that I haven’t been shooting.

So consider this an apology for it taking so long. But I am finally inspired to share everything I’ve been doing to keep myself sane in this hiatus of posts.

This week, I am breaking down one of the projects that broke me out of my temporary forced creative solutide. I had the pleasure of spending Independence Day Weekend, July 4th for my non-American followers, at a very nice luxury stay in Fairhope, Alabama.

Now, was I expecting a stay in the my neighboring state to be the spark that ignited my creative flame once more? Absolutely not. But sometimes that’s the exact place where greatness begins right? Where you least expect it?

After a rainy drive down from my lovely homebase of Atlanta, the small town of Fairhope greeted me with a beautiful overcast sky. In July, this is a blessing.

I knew it was still misty but I really wanted to fly the drone!

We went fishing after my friends got back to the house. It’s truly one of the most relaxing places to be. The private dock made for the kind of getaway you dream of during your grind.

After a day full of sporatic rain showers, the sky was primed for my favorite type of sunset. Next time there is a rainy day, make a mental note to watch for the sunset. If it rains until right before time for the sun to set, you’re in for the sunset of your life.

New year, new photos and merch

It’s been a long 2 years dealing with the pandemic and really waking up to a lot of realities and widening perspectives of the world. With that in mind, I want to try to do more.

In 2022, I want to do more with my photos. I have made videos and offered prints for a while now. And I love that.

But I want to continue to evolve how I am able to express my creativity! So I decided to do that with my current newest collection. So here begins the newest chapter. I can’t promise consistency of release. But I can promise I will always be back eventually. I love you all. Please check out the store!

Atlanta Neighborhoods with Just a 35mm Lens

This is the last week of videos and photos of my time exploring Atlanta armed only with a 35mm lens. I love my 35mm. Shooting with it has been where I’ve historically felt the most comfortable. On the crop sensor camera, the Nikon D5600, a 35mm acts like a 50mm. And if you know anything about photography, you might have already heard of the nifty fifty!

Last week, I had pretty much gotten a little lost. I was going for the Oakland Cemetery entrance from the MARTA station. When I should have turned left, I turned right. I ended up walking the entire perimeter, but I finally made it into the perimeter and fired a couple of dope shots.

After the cemetery, I decided to walk the local neighborhood between the cemetery and the Grant Park/Atlanta Zoo area. I was so fortunate to find some gorgeous trees blooming very vibrantly in the park and in front of someone’s home!

The last thing I shot was this gorgeous bike that was parked on the street. I actually ended up staying there for a minute shooting the bike. It was so pretty despite being covered in pollen! But I suppose that’s the tradeoff for an Atlanta spring!

Finally, I hopped back on the MARTA and rode back to my car. Before I got off the train, as it was arriving at my station, I snapped this picture. I love the look of a train, especially in black and white.

All of these photos are available for prints!

First Photo Walk of 2021

For the first photo walk (that didn’t end in sickness), I decided to try something new! I heard that some folks go for meditative walks in lieu of traditional meditation, and that sounds right up my alley! So, I set out with a goal, and got to walking and shooting!

All of these photos are available for prints!

The End of 2020 Finale

It’s New Year’s Eve. So today I thought we would wrap up this year with a video highlighting some of the dope shots and what I’ve had to do to get them over the last year. I hope that you enjoy this week’s video.

Check out my weekly galleries of pictures which are all available for prints!

Farewell to 2020 Atlanta!

This week, I decided to take one more walk around Atlanta for pictures! And… Well, let’s just say it was a perfect reflection of how 2020 has treated everyone.

Oh, yeah! And Merry Christmas!

All of these photos are available for prints!

Follow me on Social Media pages!





A Year of Kennesaw Mountain Photography

2020 has really made me stop and appreciate the beauty in life around me. So show off some of what I’ve been blessed to capture this year, I wanted to focus on a subject that was one of my major sources of comfort and inspiration for the year: Kennesaw Mountain.

All of these photos are available for prints!

Follow me on Social Media pages!





How I got 4.7 Million Photo Views!

I can’t believe I even get to discuss this week’s topic. I am truly humbled by the amount that my pictures have been viewed. Anyways lets discuss the top 4 most viewed photos! And, as always, these are available for prints!

The 4th most viewed photo (over 199,000 views) is one I took a while ago of a local church around the Marietta area. I love the colors. It’s a spring photo. It was one from very early in my photography career.

The 3rd most viewed photo (over 500,000 views) is one of another local building. Planet Ink tattoo parlor was where I spent a couple of sessions shooting photos and videos a couple of years ago. It’s really cool that my photo has stayed as one of their main photos on the map for a while.

The 2nd most viewed photo (over 900,000 views) is one of seahorses at my favorite place to be: the Georgia Aquarium. Y’all know I love shooting the amazing creatures there. This picture is yet another from that first collection I made in early 2019.

The most viewed photo is this picture of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy! This picture has over 1.5 million views. The pantheon is one of my favorite structures in the world. I wrote about it in this blog!

As always, these and tons more are available for prints in the store!