A Nature Experience at the Bay House

This week, I present the third and final piece of my experience with the nature at the Bay House in Fairhope, Alabama.

Again, I woke up at my usual 5 am to beat the sun in starting the day. It is quite a marvel to hear the first birds cawing from that gorgeous private dock.

As the sun came up, I decided to fly my drone. And the pictures I got were simply incredible.

After a while, the waves began to grow and all of the birds, fish, and other creatures were out and about.

Eventually I got up close and personal with a heron when he literally sat on the deck right in front of me. I was sitting on the couch, minding my business when he lands on the lower deck. It was incredible.

After that amazing experience, I finally got to meet the most insane visitors of Weeks Bay. The dolphins finally showed their beautiful selves. And it was right beside my dock.

Photographing them from above the water wasn’t the easiest thing to pull off, so I highly recommend you check out the video linked at the top, where I was filming when they surprised me.

The Bay House on Independence Day

Again from The Bay House in Fairhope, Alabama, this week I show you my entire day of shooting photography on a private dock on the gorgeous Weeks Bay.

First things first on a full day of shooting. I woke up at 5 am to get these shots. Worth it.

The only issue I had was getting my gear acclimated to the weather. I had originally kept it inside with me. Well, the temperature inside The Bay House was very cool. It was perfect for the amount of cold I need to sleep on a summer evening, but it was more than the glass on my devices could handle quickly.

I ended up fighting not only with my camera lenses, but my drone lens as well! Even the GoPro was covered in condensation and fog. I was annoying to deal with, but it created this cool haze on some of these pictures that I just can’t ignore.

After the birds had stretched their wings and come out to begin their morning flight routines, I couldn’t help but snap away at my personal airshow. I was up and taking pictures before the fish were swimming and the birds were flying. And it felt amazing to welcome them to the day.

Eventually, dark clouds rolled over the bay and rain poured for a few hours. I huddled up under the shelter on the dock and watched all the nature activities unfolding in front of me. The birds were bathing in their natural showers. And the waves of heavy and light rain patterns made the waters edge dance with beautiful curves and elaborate designs.

It’s always such an honor to experience and capture nature doing what nature has and will always do.

After the rain, it was time to fly the drone again! I have loved getting to view the world from a different perspective. If you were ever thinking of getting a drone for your photography, please go for it. I haven’t regretted mine for a moment.

And what good is a drone if you don’t use it to take aerial pictures of fireworks?