A Nature Experience at the Bay House

This week, I present the third and final piece of my experience with the nature at the Bay House in Fairhope, Alabama.

Again, I woke up at my usual 5 am to beat the sun in starting the day. It is quite a marvel to hear the first birds cawing from that gorgeous private dock.

As the sun came up, I decided to fly my drone. And the pictures I got were simply incredible.

After a while, the waves began to grow and all of the birds, fish, and other creatures were out and about.

Eventually I got up close and personal with a heron when he literally sat on the deck right in front of me. I was sitting on the couch, minding my business when he lands on the lower deck. It was incredible.

After that amazing experience, I finally got to meet the most insane visitors of Weeks Bay. The dolphins finally showed their beautiful selves. And it was right beside my dock.

Photographing them from above the water wasn’t the easiest thing to pull off, so I highly recommend you check out the video linked at the top, where I was filming when they surprised me.