Exploring Rome… GA

You know, I don’t go back to my hometown area often. As a matter of fact, when I set foot in downtown Rome back in July, it had been years since the last time I had been there.

I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the time I’ve spent away from the places I grew up. Maybe it’s the amount of distance I’ve been borderline desperate to put so far in the back of my mind that I never had to think about it. They say time heals all wounds.

I think I still disagree.

But regardless, spending a few hours occassionally when I can photograph amazing views like the ones I can find looking out over the city.

After climbing, perhaps naively, to the top of City Cemetery… I was exhausted. For those who don’t know, City Cemetery in Rome, GA is a cemetery on a hillside. But when I say hill side… what I mean is it’s literally terraced into the closest thing you’ve ever seen to a cliff that isn’t truly a cliff.

So obviously I took my camera and my drone up there and went nuts.