Where Photography and Mental Health Intersect

It’s no secret that I have struggled with my mental health for most of my life. I have spent a lot of time suffering in silence. But a few years ago, something changed in me. And since that change, I have made it my life’s mission to make sure that everyone that can hear my voice hears this message.

There is absolutely no shame in talking about your mental health and wellbeing.

Whether it’s to a friend, a stranger, a professional, or even your pet, talk about how you feel.

This week, the theme is mental health and how I handle my bad days with photography.

Hi, youtube. It’s been a couple of months. Thanks for being patient with me while I work through some things. I love making videos and taking pictures. And I love sharing my experiences with y’all. But sometimes that isn’t enough. Sometimes I don’t have any motivation. Sometimes I feel so intensely numb that I can barely function. Fortunately the anxiety I have about finances mostly keep me working and running. But what keeps me going when I feel incapable of feeling good? What happens when photography isn’t enough? What do you do when your interests aren’t interesting enough for you. I explored this a lot in my couple months away. And ultimately I did the only thing that I know to do when my brain treats me this way is to find a way to keep trying. Even if I don’t shoot, I still go for a walk. I still take my camera. I still look for shots. Even if I don’t take them, they’re in my own mental gallery. It’s no secret that life has been hard for a lot of us the last 18 months. But as things begin to hopefully move in a more positive direction with the global pandemic, we can begin the true time of healing and self-discovery. So this week, my video to you is what I’ve done to keep going when I feel like I can’t.

Allora Studios on YouTube

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